Blessing Others, Kind Actions, Kind Words

#ISTE2015 Truly Random Acts of Kindness

Recently, I found myself in a heated discussion with someone else about the role "random" plays in the phrase "random acts of kindness" (also known as a RAK or RAOK.) "You can't call it a RAK if it's not random. The fact that you are pre-planning the event takes away from the novelty of it… Continue reading #ISTE2015 Truly Random Acts of Kindness

Blessing Others

Random Act of Kindness – Coworker Surprise

I have some of the best coworkers a person could ask for. There are nine of us on a small, select team and we work together with such efficiency you would swear there were 30 of us! This morning as we arrived for our weekly team meeting, one of my coworkers walked through the door… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness – Coworker Surprise


Random Act of Kindness #24 of #26acts – Sharing Pics

For those who know me in real life, it's no surprise that I'm a photo freak.  I take photos of EVERYTHING!  In fact, years before digital photo albums became available, I used to be a Creative Memories consultant, teaching others how to safely preserve and share their photographic memories for generations to come.  I have… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness #24 of #26acts – Sharing Pics