Today, December 14, 2013, marks the one year anniversary of the terrible tragedy that took the lives of 26 students and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Like so many people in our nation, my heart grieved with a heaviness I could hardly bear. I felt compelled to do something, anything, to… Continue reading #26Acts Revisited – A Year of Kindness for Sandy Hook Elementary
Random Act of Kindness #24 of #26acts – Sharing Pics
For those who know me in real life, it's no surprise that I'm a photo freak. I take photos of EVERYTHING! In fact, years before digital photo albums became available, I used to be a Creative Memories consultant, teaching others how to safely preserve and share their photographic memories for generations to come. I have… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness #24 of #26acts – Sharing Pics
Random Act of Kindness #23 of #26acts – Birthday Cake Barista
As a continuation of the previous post, I was at Starbucks getting a few moments of peace from a crazy hectic day (which just happened to also be my 41st birthday). I used my registered Starbucks gift card to receive a free drink of my choice (God bless the person who decided salt, caramel, and coffee… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness #23 of #26acts – Birthday Cake Barista
Random Act of Kindness – 41st Birthday at Starbucks
It's hard to believe that a full year has passed since I began this journey of blessing others with kindness and publicly documenting my journey through words and pictures. What a year it has been! WOW! I am constantly amazed and humbled by the sheer power of kindness. It makes people smile. Laugh. Blush. Cry. … Continue reading Random Act of Kindness – 41st Birthday at Starbucks
Random Act of Kindness #22 of #26acts – Kindness to Animals
It's interesting how many acts of kindness I've witnessed by others the past few weeks. Maybe my Pollyanna glasses are always on, I'm not sure, but it always makes my heart so happy to see others being NICE with no expectation of personal reward or financial gain. Last week as I was dropping my husband… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness #22 of #26acts – Kindness to Animals
Random Act of Kindness #16 of #26acts – Discounts for Diners
Last Friday was the official "last day of school" for teachers. WOW! Another school year done, time for summer break. As I was packing up my belongings for the two month hiatus, I thought again of the students and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School. I recently read that their district has plans to demolish… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness #16 of #26acts – Discounts for Diners
Random Act of Kindness #14 of #26acts- A Heart for Oklahoma
This week, I was delighted to participate in a Random Act of Kindness to benefit "A Heart for Oklahoma", a church based mission to bring supplies to those suffering from the effects of last week's tornado. What made this RAK especially close to my heart is that it was organized and led by one of my high school… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness #14 of #26acts- A Heart for Oklahoma
Random Act of Kindness #13 of #26acts – Flowers and Babies
Today as I was waiting in line at Kroger to purchase flowers for my nieces' dance recital, the gal waiting behind me struck up a conversation. It always amazes me how different people are in this world. Some individuals won't even make eye contact with a stranger, much less speak to them. Others, like myself, think nothing… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness #13 of #26acts – Flowers and Babies
Random Act of Kindness #11 of #26acts – Happy Mother’s Day
Today I had the immeasurable joy of celebrating Mother's Day by passing along a Random Act of Kindness given to me. If you've been following my blog for a while, you know that I completed 40 random acts in celebration of my 40th birthday, then began a renewed purpose of blessing others in honor of… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness #11 of #26acts – Happy Mother’s Day
Random Act of Kindness #10 of #26acts
My 10th Random Act of Kindness was 50% planned kindness, 50% divine intervention. I had planned a surprise lunch with two of my dear friends, Lisa and Nicole, but due to other obligations, our time together was quite limited. We drove around, searching for a restaurant, and finally settled on Applebee's as the clock continued to count down… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness #10 of #26acts