My mom died seven years ago today. I woke up this morning thinking of her, a bit nostalgic as I later picked out my clothes to wear to breakfast. When I saw my black, long-sleeved CNU shirt hanging in my closet, I was catapulted to May 4, 2017, sitting beside my mom, holding her hand… Continue reading Seven Years
Tag: RAK
RAKs for Tiny Tech
The third week of school has brought more and more visitors to the Tiny Tech Cafe! Teachers and students are starting to find their groove with weekly schedules and classes are starting to rotate through the laptop labs. Practically every single day this week there has been a new surprise waiting for me in the… Continue reading RAKs for Tiny Tech
Sit or Stand
If you've been following this blog for a while, you know all about the Tiny Tech Cafe. (If not, click here and get caught up!) Last Monday, my husband came to Mechanicsville Elementary and graciously donated his time and talent to putting together both the sofa, the bar-height rectangular table, and two bar stools (which… Continue reading Sit or Stand
Random Act of Kindness – Rainy Day #RAK
This entire weekend has been rainy. Dark. Dreary. Drizzle. Downpours. Depressing. Somehow the alliteration of my words echoes the dullness of the day. So... what better way to beat the doldrums... but to don my raincoat and drive out to perform a RAK! 🙂 As many of you know, several of my RAKs occur at… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness – Rainy Day #RAK
Random Act of Kindness – Candy and Maps #AMOK #RAK
Did you know that today, March 1, 2014, is the Annual Melee of Kindness? According to, over 498 participants in 18 countries performed 156 acts of kindness all in one day last year. How fun! This year, I'm adding two of my own acts to the list. Read below to find out what I… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness – Candy and Maps #AMOK #RAK
Random Act of Kindness – Donating Puzzles #RAK
My daughter came to me yesterday morning asking if we could donate some puzzles to church, explaining that the children's nursery only had one puzzle that our son completed week after week. (If you know our children, you know both boys LOVE putting jigsaw puzzles together.) It was a really easy RAK to complete; I… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness – Donating Puzzles #RAK
Random Act of Kindness Week – Little RAKs for #RAKweek
Did you know this week is Random Act of Kindness Week? It's true! A whole week dedicated to being kind to those around us - what joy! The best part about doing RAKs is that they don't have to cost money or even be that "amazing" of tasks. Here are a few RAKs I did… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness Week – Little RAKs for #RAKweek
Random Act of Kindness – Supporting our Youth
Last week I received an email sent on behalf of a co-worker's son. He was chosen from among his peers to attend a leadership conference for one of his school clubs. What an honor! The email was asking for monetary donations towards his travel expenses, but what struck me was the offer to do any… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness – Supporting our Youth
Random Act of Kindness – #megsmiles and Snowman Pancakes
How do I even begin to write this post? I have struggled this past week to put my thoughts into words, reeling (as many of you are) from the senseless, tragic death of Meg Cross Menzies, a stay-at-home mom in our local community. For those of you who do not live around here, or have… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness – #megsmiles and Snowman Pancakes
Random Act of Kindness – Zumba Love
One resolution many people make at the start of the year is to get in shape, start exercising, lose some weight. It's an admirable goal, especially for those who realize and acknowledge that life changes are good! Personally, I am not a gym rat (and no offense to those who are!) I enjoy exercising, but… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness – Zumba Love