Oh, my friends, it's that time once again! Back. To. School. Even though I have been back on contract since mid-July, it still feels like summer break at my house. The beach towels hang from the stairwell banister, a reminder of waterpark fun and trips to the lake and pool. There's a trail of flip… Continue reading Seasons of Change
Seven Years
My mom died seven years ago today. I woke up this morning thinking of her, a bit nostalgic as I later picked out my clothes to wear to breakfast. When I saw my black, long-sleeved CNU shirt hanging in my closet, I was catapulted to May 4, 2017, sitting beside my mom, holding her hand… Continue reading Seven Years
Extra Day of Time
What would you do with an extra day of time? That's the thought that has been swirling in my brain today, because unlike last year or the year before, today is a gift of time. February 29. Leap Day. A day that exists only once every four years. For the most part, it's an understated,… Continue reading Extra Day of Time
One Word 2024
Do you ever have a year that feels like a blur? One that came and went, leaving you standing in the dust wondering how you got there? For me, that was 2023. When I chose my #OneWord2023 as "Renew," I had high expectations of how that would transpire. The previous year had been so jam-packed… Continue reading One Word 2024
Lobster Roll Memories
Life is short. Get the lobster roll. Next week will be six years since my mom passed away. She was a born-and-bred Bostonian who loved lobster rolls almost as much as her beloved Red Sox team. The day before she died, I bought her a lobster roll (a bit tough to find in Central Virginia!)… Continue reading Lobster Roll Memories
Letting Go
"Are you letting yourself go... grey?" The pause in her question made me stumble for a second. Am I letting myself go? Well, that's a bold question to ask someone. Letting go? Letting go of what? Oh. Grey. My hair color. After a bit of a delay followed by a somewhat awkward laugh, I responded… Continue reading Letting Go
The Seeds You Sow
You know what's awesome? Shopping in a store and having someone shout across the aisle, "WAIT! I KNOW YOU... YOU WERE MY COMPUTER TEACHER IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!" It's been nearly a decade since this man was a boy at our school. He's had countless teachers help him lead and learn over the years (and to… Continue reading The Seeds You Sow
Tracking Towers
"Mom! Let's play a game together!" Even though I've been a parent for more than two decades, these words always make me smile. I love spending quality time with my children - individually and together - and I have a fully-stocked game closet ready at a moment's notice for whatever game they want to play.… Continue reading Tracking Towers
One Word 2023
Last year my father-in-law surprised me with an AeroGarden so I could successfully grow fresh herbs in my home. It was an exciting gift to receive as gardening in any form is not one of my strengths. There were only three steps to success: plug in the device, insert the seed pod, and add water… Continue reading One Word 2023
50 RAKs for 50 Years – Let’s Go!
Welcome to birthday season! As many of you know, birthday season is a BIG deal in my world. Our busiest months are September and October when we celebrate the birthdays of all our children and extended family members (including myself!) I have a container of decorations that I use year after year, hanging colorful streamers… Continue reading 50 RAKs for 50 Years – Let’s Go!