
Below are keynote and session presentations offered for meetings, conferences, and professional development events. Contact Tamara Letter for scheduling inquiries.

Transform School Culture with A Passion for Kindness

A school’s culture is the foundation for student and staff success. Discover unique and transformational ways you can positively cultivate kindness in your classroom, school or district for maximum impact while learning more about social-emotional resources to support the learning journey. This inspirational presentation will guide you in foundational steps to lead, love, and learn with students, staff, and stakeholders.

The POWER Paradox: Leading with Empathy and Compassion

How do successful leaders empower others for growth and change? This inspirational presentation will unlock the POWER paradox to reveal applicable ways you can support and uplift others with empathy and compassion while staying true to your vision and goals for success. Dive deeper into elements of successful leadership to showcase the true POWER in your school, district, or organization.

From Status Quo to Status GO: Empowering Change in a Digital World

This technology-themed presentation acknowledges the rapid state of change in our digital world while showcasing innovative ways individuals, groups, and organizations are moving forward with change. Learn how to tap into the strengths of others to empower their transition from static to dynamic, while overcoming the challenges faced along the way. Develop tools of communication, collaboration, and cultural relevance to build bridges crossing the lines of comfort zones to embrace endless opportunities.

Your Story Matters! An Educator’s Guide to Sharing on Social Media and Beyond

Who is sharing your story with the world? In this passion-filled presentation, discover relevant and impactful ways you can wield social media platforms to your advantage to spotlight the stories and experiences you know best. Learn more about influential networking and which social media platforms are best for the message you want to share and the audience you seek to reach.

From Heartache to Hope: Embracing Joy in the Journey

How do we break through the binds of trials and tribulations? This session acknowledges the challenges we all face in life with frustration, disappointment, and loss while shining a light on positive perspective along the path. Through stories of vulnerability and vitality, learn how to overcome each of these roadblocks to embrace joy in the journey. This session will inspire you to push through the difficult times to develop resilience and and a renewed sense of purpose to move forward with success.