Blessing Others, Kind Actions, vacation

Fish Extender – Gifts to Give

As many of you know, our big vacation last summer was taking an Alaskan Disney Cruise. One of the awesome things about taking a Disney Cruise is this secret RAK experience called "fish extenders", which I blogged about here. While that blog post gave an overview of the fish extender process and showcased the fish extender… Continue reading Fish Extender – Gifts to Give


Random Act of Kindness #24 of #26acts – Sharing Pics

For those who know me in real life, it's no surprise that I'm a photo freak.  I take photos of EVERYTHING!  In fact, years before digital photo albums became available, I used to be a Creative Memories consultant, teaching others how to safely preserve and share their photographic memories for generations to come.  I have… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness #24 of #26acts – Sharing Pics