A few weeks ago a friend of mine posted a message on Facebook that she had piano and ukulele sheet music to give away. Immediately I thought of my co-worker, Paul, who not only plays the ukulele, but had his own collection of ukuleles on display: The only catch in this RAK transaction is that… Continue reading For the Love of Music
Tag: friend
Random Act of Kindness – Rainy Day Joy
Today is one of those nasty weather days where you just want to crawl back into bed and sleep until the darkness brightens and the temperature rises. I am not a fan of cold, drizzling rain. It dampers my Pollyanna spirit! Thankfully, the rain wasn't severe enough to spark deadly storms like the ones causing… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness – Rainy Day Joy
Random Act of Kindness #35
One of the favorite parts of my job as an instructional technologist is presenting at conferences. I love sharing my enthusiasm with others! Today I presented a session on Edmodo (a social networking platform for administrators, teachers, and students) at the annual Virginia Society for Technology in Education conference. The session was packed, standing room… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness #35
Random Act of Kindness #33
Today's Random Act of Kindness is a direct response to a plea posted on Facebook: "My dear Facebook friends, an old friend of mine has a sister that lost her whole house last night to a fire. She has 3 young girls aged 7, 2, and 10 months. I can store anything you can donate… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness #33
Random Act of Kindness #19
How do you let people know you appreciate their kindness? Do you send a card with the sentiments penned inside? Maybe you pick up the phone and call to say, "Thanks so much!" Well, I'll be honest with you - I'm bad at both. It's not that I'm unappreciative. Quite the opposite! I just show… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness #19