To honor the memory of Renee Parr, her family asked those that loved her to complete 14 random acts of kindness as we approach the one year anniversary of her passing, July 14, 2014. Last Saturday, my two older children came with me to The Dollar Tree as we picked up some last minute glow… Continue reading RAK for Renee – 14 Quarters
Tag: store
You Go Ahead
When was the last time you got all the way home from the grocery store only to discover you never picked up an essential item on your list? So frustrating! Thankfully, I only live a hop, skip, and a jump away, but still... so annoying. I forgot snack bags. Again. I always neglect to check… Continue reading You Go Ahead
Random Act of Kindness #36 – Triple Play!
Yesterday I had the pleasure of completing 3 Random Acts of Kindness right in a row - the ultimate Triple Play! My first RAK was planned in advance, but the other two were 100% spontaneous "let me bless you because I can" moments. So much fun! My planned RAK involved a coupon for a free… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness #36 – Triple Play!
Random Act of Kindness #31
Today's Random Act of Kindness was an easy task, but one rarely acknowledged or even noticed by others. As I was walking to my car today after a quick shopping trip at Target, I glanced across the parking lot searching for my van and voila... Not my van, but a perfect opportunity to bless someone… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness #31
Random Act of Kindness #16
If you are an avid shopper at Kohl's you know that coupons are a big deal. First of all, they are always sending them in the mail. 15% off. 20% off. When you peel the brown sticker to reveal a 30% off coupon, it doesn't even matter if you need anything, off to Kohl's you… Continue reading Random Act of Kindness #16