Black Friday is right around the corner (7 days and 4 hours to be exact!). Even though this is the official start to the holiday shopping frenzy, my Christmas shopping has already begun. Having three children, I’m always keeping an eye out for great deals, especially on toys. One way that our family affords to have lots of gifts around the tree is to purchase gently used, “like new” toys at consignment sales.
My favorite local sale, The Clothesline, provides additional incentives if you volunteer to work for them during the sale. Each three hour shift you complete earns different perks. My favorite incentive is the ability to shop before the sale officially opens. (This is when you get the best deals!). Another reward you receive is a coupon for $5 off your purchases. Awesome!
Yesterday afternoon was my big shopping day. Pure bliss! I don’t want to spoil any secrets, but there is a really cute little three year old girl out there who is getting a three level dollhouse from me!
As I finished paying for my purchases, I realized I had never given the cashier my $5 off coupon. Turning to the woman right behind me in line, I said, “This might seem a bit odd, but would you allow me to bless you with this coupon for $5 off?” I then explained the details about my 40th Birthday Project and hastily scribbled my website down on a notecard (because, once again, I forgot to refill my business cards in my wallet.). As I was sharing my story, the owner of the Clothesline, Lisa, looked up at me and exclaimed “I love you!” (This really made my night because technically Lisa had blessed me with the coupon in the first place, I was merely passing it on!)
It was a fun way to end a great night of shopping and seeing this lady’s smile made me want to do even MORE random acts of kindness. It’s always a win-win to give from the heart with no expectation in return.
Be blessed my friends and keep paying it forward! 🙂